Summer Smiles and Feel Good Fun

Hey there water babies,

The second half of summer can feel pretty busy! We pack the sunny days full of fun that may need to last us through the winter months. Kids’ lemonade stands on every corner, and garage sales every weekend are a reminder that there is joy to be had in being a part of a strong community. Although this may not be the official “season of giving,” giving back is an essential part of our personal health and the health of our communities.

Healthy habits make healthy bodies, and healthy communities make healthy children!

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At Surfside Kids Dental we see a bright future in the bright smiles of our patients. Getting out to spread joy and laughter is what kids do best! With the right company and/or upbeat music cleaning up the park, beach or river can be as fun as anything else and can give your little ones a sense of empowerment and connection. Feeling connected and developing empathy are important aspects of human development that can set our kids up to be deeper thinkers and prepare them for the social and intellectual challenges of the coming school year and beyond.

Finding ways to engage in community outreach is a great way to fill your time and your heart. According to the website for the Corporations for National and Community Service, “The research has established a strong relationship between volunteering and health: those who volunteer have lower mortality rates, greater functional ability, and lower rates of depression later in life than those who do not volunteer.” Although many of the effects on personal health, such as low blood pressure and longevity, apply more to older generations than our little ones, it can be said that “good habits start early!” Working together for a more awesome future start today, and in our very own parks and neighborhoods.

Here is a list of ways you and your children can get involved locally:

  • Go to a local park or beach clean up days.
  • Pass out balloons to the people at the elderly care facility down the road (or you neighbors!)
  • Collect cans from neighbors and friends to give to the local food bank
  • Stuff gallon-sized bags with warm socks, protein bars and baby wipes to hand out to the homeless
  • Check out this website for a way to help foster kids from home
  • Have a lemonade stand or bake sale to raise money for a cause YOU choose!

There are so many radical ways to serve our communities!

We hope you can find ways to help out those in need and have fun in the process. Kids are powerful, and we want them to take control of their own health and the health of their community. There is no limit to what we can accomplish when we work together! To connect with your local Surfside pediatric dental office, check out our locations 

Stay Cool Surfers!

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