Mother’s Day Feature

In honor of Mother’s Day our staff at Surfside Kids Dental wanted to celebrate a couple of hard-working Mom’s and amazing women in our dental group. We are excited to introduce you to two of our Dentists who not only work hard in the office, but at home with their little ones.

Dr. JennyMeet Sacramento Pediatric Dentist, Dr. Jenny McCarthy!

Dr. Jenny graduated dental school from the University of the Pacific. She completed her Pediatric Residency at Ohio State University and Nationwide Children’s Hospital.
Dr. Jenny grew up in Honolulu, HI and was recruited to our dental group by fellow Surfside superstar, Dr. Joe Rawlins whom she had known from her residency.  It didn’t take much convincing for her, as she says, “Surfside is a great place to work!.” Dr. Jenny is now in her 16th year practicing pediatric dentistry in Sacrament.

We wanted to know what made Dr. Jenny decide to become a pediatric Dentist? She had this to say:

I like being able to advise parents or help patients at a young age.  It sets them up for better oral health throughout their lifetime.  I also just think kids are fun to work with… never a dull moment!

Dr. Jenny on Being a Mom and a Kids Dentist

While we love featuring our Dentists and the passion they share in working with kids, we also wanted to take a more personal tone with this post, sharing with our patients what it’s like being a kids dentist and a Mom. Dr. Jenny is the Mother to 9 year old boy-girl twins. She shared with us a typical weekend for her family. They love hiking, cooking, reading, playing music or traveling. She says being a Mom has taught her patience and flexibility in the work she does at Surfside Dental as Children are all different and unpredictable at times.

When we asked Dr. Jenny about the best Mother’s Day gift she had ever received? Her response was, Sleeping in, breakfast in bed, and kind words from my kids telling me how much they appreciate me!” We couldn’t agree more! Take notes kids and spouses!
Finally, Dr Jenny shares the best advice she ever received from her own Mother,
Nobody’s perfect, just do your best! We love that! Thanks for allowing us a little peek into your life as a Mom, wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day!

Dr. Jenny (1)

Now, Meet Sacramento Pediatric Dentist, Darcy Owen, DDS!

Dr. Darcy is another patient adored addition to our Surfisde team. She was born on Long Island, NY- Patchhogue and grew up in Sacramento, CA  from 1974-1990 attending  John F. Kennedy HS, in the neighborhood of Greenhaven, Sacramento, graduating in 1990. From there, Dr. Darcy moved on to Northwestern University, Evanston, IL from 1990-1994, then UCLA Dental School from  1996-2000. After Dental School she completed her GPR at Queen’s Medical Center, Honolulu, HI from 2000-2001 and completing her residency at Radys Children’s Hospital in San Diego, CA from 2007-2009. It’s often taken for granted toe amount of commitment and dedication that goes in to a pediatric dental career. However, Dr. Dacry knew at a young age she wanted to work with children. After studying Biology/Neurobiology in college, the combination of working in a health care field AND with children appeared to be the perfect match.

Dr. Darcy on Being a Mom and a Pediatric Dentist

It wasn’t until after Dr. Darcy met her husband during her GPR in Hawaii and working as a general dentist for a wonderful pediatric dentist, did she return to school to become a pediatric dentist herself.

Dr. Darcy and her husband have two children, Cassidy (7) and Owen (5) as well as a 9 year old Shepherd, Annie and a 12 year old cat, Suzette. Her personal life is full of kid’s activities, friends and family. They love spending time together whether at the pool, soccer field, ski slopes, Donner Lake or taking it easy with a game of UNO or a good book.

In her own words, Dr. Darcy tells us what it’s like to work at Surfside:

It has been great living and working in an area and a community of people that I love.  Surfside has given me that opportunity.  At Surfside, I work with hard-working, compassionate and intelligent individuals.  I love that we all have the same goal of taking care of children and wanting kids to be healthy.  

As a mother of 2 young children and a dentist with over 15 years of experience, Dr. Darcy feels like one of her strongest attributes is an understanding that each child and family is different and has individual needs.Her dental advice to families with young kids would be good oral hygiene (daily flossing and brushing), a healthy diet and finding a dental office that you feel comfortable with.

On this Mother’s Day, Dr. Darcy would like to thank her Mom.

She is a strong, incredibly supportive, modestly brilliant, and intuitively thoughtful woman who has always believed in me.

Beautiful words every Mother deserves to hear. We thank both Dr. Jenny and Dr. Darcy for their love, commitment and passion they deliver to our patients on a daily basis. The work of a Mother is never done and we recognize their strong work ethic and value their contribution to our dental group.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Surfside Kids Dental Group

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