Our Office Policies

In order to provide excellent service to all of our families, Surfside Kids Dental has a very strict appointment Policy; which requires that all appointments be confirmed 24 hours in advance. Short notice, cancellation or failure will result in a $25 fee that will be applied to your account and will be due from the parent/guardian at the next appointment. This fee is not covered by any insurance plan.
Payment for professional services is due at the time of service. Every effort will be made to provide a treatment plan which is verified with your insurance, (if applicable) and a financial agreement for private paying patients will be discussed. We accept cash, personal checks, debit cards, and most major credit cards. Read more on here.
Here at Surfside Kids Dental, we have an open door policy. You are absolutely welcome to stay with your child during all aspects of each and every visit. We want children as well as parents to be as comfortable as possible with appointments and welcome you to stay with your child.
As we know, it’s not always possible to bring your child to their appointment. However, we cannot allow anyone to accompany your child to their appointments without prior written approval. If you know that there may be instances where someone other than the parent(s) or legal guardian bringing your child to their appointments, please let one of the team members know prior to their appointment. We will have you complete a release form giving that caregiver permission to accompany your child to appointments and allowing them to make decisions about changes to your child’s treatment.
It is Surfside Kids Dental policy that parents are to remain present with their child/children for the duration of their appointment(s). However, we understand that parents/legal guardians often have to leave the office to bring other children to or home from school to sports and instrument practices and to run errands. Since this goes against SKD’s policy, parents/legal guardian’s will assume all responsibility that may arise from their decision to leave their child alone in the office. Problems that may arise by leaving my child/children unattended are beyond the control of SKD and I will hold them and any of their affiliated offices harmless for any such problem.
If your contact information has changed, it is the parent/ guardian’s responsibility to inform Surfside Kids Dental as soon as possible. If you have had a change of dental insurance, you MUST notify the office prior to your child’s scheduled appointment. Please be prepared to provide the name of the insurance carrier and the policy holder’s social security or member ID number. If you do not provide the requested information prior to the appointment, Surfside Kids Dental will have to treat you as a cash patient. This means you will have to pay in-full for all services until your new insurance can be verified. Upon verification, we will submit all prior services rendered to insurance (within claim filing deadlines) and upon receipt of payment from the insurance carrier, we will issue you any applicable refund/credit.
While we appreciate patient enthusiasm to capture your child’s fun dental visit, we DO NOT allow audio/video recording or photos in treatment areas. Due to HIPAA Privacy Laws and Regulations, all photos and videos are requested to be taken in our designated photo zones. Please ask a team member for more information.